Our vision

Achieving excellence in the old Kappa spirit.

One Alpha aims to achieve excellence in the old Kappa spirit
by facilitating ongoing Phi Nu Pi (Financial, Operational, and Personal support)
among Alpha Chapter Brothers of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. 


Over the next five years, One Alpha aims to stabilize Alpha Chapter operations and expand our impact.

  • Formation

    In 2021, One Alpha formed its Executive Board and committees, reconciled Alpha Chapter’s financial debts, and helped train new Brothers.

  • Stabilization

    The next 3 years will be about realigning our entire chapter on recurring issues such as Intake, Fellowship, Fundraising, and Fundgiving.

  • Expansion

    One Alpha fulfills its vision when more Brothers are involved and fewer Brothers endorse the division between “old heads” & “undergrads.”